21 Days: 3 Week Milestone

Tomorrow will be the longest I have been sober since I started drinking when I was 17. I feel and think great. I barely think about drinking, but I also have been avoiding situations where I’ll be tempted.

Reasons why I have quit drinking and love being sober:
1. No more hangovers.
2. Thinking clearly about decisions about my life (career, friends, relationships)
3. Weight loss (because I’m never too hungover to work out or too drunk to forget my diet)
4. Positive thinking that isn’t muddled by alcohol
5. Feeling confident in myself and learning to love myself
6. Proving that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it.
7. Knowing that I won’t spend a fortune on cab fare ever again
8. Waking up and knowing what I did the night before
9. Not worrying about being mean to friends due to no filter from alcohol
10. Not buying a box of wine every other day and being “known” at CVS
11. My skin is clearing up
12. I have never felt so positive about my future, despite how scary and uncertain it is
13. No drunk texting. NO DRUNK TEXTING.
14. Not having to buy drugs in a sketchy parking lot and potentially risking my life
15. No more random bruises accumulating on my body

And probably more. I feel good. I can keep this going, I don’t even think about drinking, and that is a great feeling.

21 Days: 3 Week Milestone

3 thoughts on “21 Days: 3 Week Milestone

  1. That’s wonderful!!! Keep up the good work, you’ll see that life gets better and you should be proud of yourself every day you stay sober! I am 28 days sober from drugs and I am so proud of myself!! Sober life is better!!

    • Thank you! And CONGRATS to you on 28 days sober from drugs! I was lucky enough to stop my drug habit before it became too out of control, but alcohol definitely took over my life. Keep it up, and yes, sober life really, truly, is better. Thanks for commenting!

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